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Here we have provided you few Banking and Finance related abbreviations for exams like SEBI Grade A and RBI Grade B. MOST IMPORTANT SEBI & RBI MCQs CLICK HERE
Here we have provided you few Banking and Finance related abbreviations for exams like SEBI Grade A and RBI Grade B. MOST IMPORTANT SEBI & RBI MCQs CLICK HERE
Securities Market and Financial Awareness MCQs for the upcoming SEBI Grade A and RBI Grade B examination. It will be also helpful your your banking examination such as IBPS, SBI PO, IRDAI, etc. For All MCQs Archive CLICK HERE
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Q1. What is the name of an online platform designed to help investors to lodge their complaints by SEBI?
A. Jano To Mano
D. e-Complaints
Explanation: (B) SCORES Stands for in SEBI Complaints Redress System ( SCORES).
The complainant does not receive any communication from the listed company or intermediary concerned or,
The complainant is not satisfied with the reply given to him or redressal
action taken by the listed company or an intermediary.
In case investor fails to lodge a complaint within the stipulated time, he
may directly take up the complaint with the entity concerned or may
approach appropriate court of law.
Q2. Upto what extent a company can buyback its shares without shareholders' resolution?
A. 15%
B. 10%
C. 50%
D. 25%
Explanation: (B) Upto 10%
A company may buyback its shares without shareholders’ resolution, to the extent of 10% of its paid up equity capital and reserves, based on both standalone and consolidated financial statements of the company. However, if a company intends to buyback its shares to the extent of more than 10% of its paid up capital and free reserves then the same has to be approved by shareholders by way of special resolution in term of the provisions of Companies Act, 2013.
Q3. The term company is defined under which sec of the Companies Act 2013?
A. Section 2 (5)
B. Section 2 (20)
C. Section 3 (1)
D. Section 1 (3)
Explanation: (B) Section 2(20) of the 2013 Act defines the term “company” to mean “a company incorporated under the Companies Act 2013 or any previous company law.” Accordingly, a company, which is incorporated under the relevant legislation of a foreign country, will not qualify as a “company” under the 2013 Act
Q4. The company’s nationality is decided by its
A. Registered office
B. Shareholders
C. Place at books of accounts are kept
D. Founder
Explanation: (A) A company's nationality is decided by its registered office.
(2) The company shall furnish to the Registrar verification of its registered office within a period of thirty days of its incorporation in such manner as may be prescribed.
Q5. What is the cut-off time for buying and selling Mutual Funds units in India?
A. 1 PM
B. 2 PM
C. 3 PM
D. 6 PM
Explanation: (C) Recently SEBI restores the cut-off time for buying and selling Mutual Funds units to 3 PM.
Investors trading in large volumes of money depend on even marginal per unit gains. For long-term investors, cut-off timings do not play a very crucial role. Even in the case of individuals investing a small sum of money, cut-off timings do not largely influence the profitability of the investment.
The precision in setting cut-off timing makes sense only if there is a foolproof mechanism of capturing the time at which the sale and re-purchase applications are received. This is ensured through the time-stamping mechanism. Thus, understanding cut-off timings makes it easier for investors to make informed decisions.
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Hello Readers,
Securities Market and Financial Awareness MCQs for the upcoming SEBI Grade A and RBI Grade B examination. It will be also helpful your your banking examination such as IBPS, SBI PO, IRDAI, etc. For all MCQs Archive CLICK HERE
Hello Readers,
Securities Market and Financial Awareness MCQs for the upcoming SEBI Grade A and RBI Grade B examination. It will be also helpful your your banking examination such as IBPS, SBI PO, IRDAI, etc. For all MCQs Archive CLICK HERE
Q1. Derivatives is a risk management tool that drives its value from underlying ______?
A. Stocks
B. Currency
C. Commodities
D. Any one of the above
Explanation: (D) In finance, a derivative is a contract that derives its value from the performance of an underlying entity. This underlying entity can be an asset, index, forex, stocks, commodities or interest rate, and is often simply called the "underlying".
Q2. Recently Mutual Fund Advisory Committee of SEBI issued guidelines for product labeling in mutual funds. Which among the following category of risk has been added?
A. Very High
B. High
C. Low
D. Moderate
Explanation: (A) Very High Risk category has been added in Risk-o-Meter.
i. Low Risk
ii. Low to Moderate Risk
iii. Moderate Risk
iv. Moderately High Risk
v. High Risk
vi.Very High Risk
Q3. What is the limit has been decided for Government under WMA for the second half of the Financial Year 2020-21?
A. 1.45 Lakh Crore
B. 1.50 Lakh Crore
C. 1.25 Lakh Crore
D. 1.05 Lakh Crore
Explanation: (C) It has been decided, in consultation with the Government of India, that the limits for Ways and Means Advances (WMA) for the second half of the financial year 2020-21 (October 2020 to March 2021) will be ₹1,25,000 crore.
WMA: Repo Rate
Overdraft: Two percent above the Repo Rate
Q4. Which of the following options can be exercised at the expiration date of the option?
A. American Option
B. European Option
C. Bermudan Option
D. None of the Above
Explanation: (B) In finance, the style of an option is the class into which the option falls, usually defined by the dates on which the option may be exercised. The vast majority of options are either European or American options, and Bermudan etc.
Q5. Under Basel III Framework what does F stands for in NSFR?
A. Functional
B. Framework
C. Fund
D. None of the above
Explanation: (C) NSFR stands for Net Stable Funding Ratio (NSFR) under Basel III Framework on Liquidity Standards. The NSFR is defined as the amount of available stable funding relative to the amount of required stable funding.
Securities Market and Financial Awareness MCQs for upcoming SEBI Grade A and RBI Grade B examination. For all MCQs Archive CLICK HERE
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MCQs on Securities Market and General Awareness for the upcoming SEBI Grade A/ RBI Grade B examination. It is very important to study relevant and well targeted study material to crack any exam. So Exam Together has provided you with a series of 5 MCQs on Securities Market and General Awareness Section with detailed explanation. For all MCQs Archive CLICK HERE
Hello Readers,
SEBI Grade A – exam is going to be conducted very soon. To prepare better and to the point, aspirants need to study relevant and valuable material. The below post gives the detailed questions answers for SEBI Grade A Securities Market and General Awareness. Read all MCQs Archive CLICK HERE
Q1. Which bond gives its issuer the right to redeem or pay the bonds before its maturity date?
A. Zero Coupon Bond
B. Puttable Bond
C. Debentures
D. Callable Bonds
E. None of the Above
Explanation: (D) A callable bond allows the issuing company to pay off their debt early.
Q2. Which debt financial securities pay off in the short term, usually within one year.
A. Bond Market
B. Money Market
C. Primary Market
D. Secondary Market
E. None of the above.
Explanation: (B) Money Market refers to a financial market securities where these instruments with high liquidity and short-term maturities are traded.
A. Commercial Papers.
B. Treasury Bills
Following are the types of T-bills in India:
1. 14-day Treasury bill
2. 91-day Treasury bill
3. 182-day Treasury bill
4. 364-day Treasury bill
C. Certificates of Deposit.
Q3. What does E stands for in ECBs?
A. External
B. Extreme
C. Easy
D. Economy
E. None of the above
Explanation: (A) ECB stands for External Commercial Borrowings.
Q4. Temporary overdrafts facility by Reserve Bank of India to the Government is known as?
A. Ways and Means Advances
B. Primary Money
C. Overdraft Finance
D. Lending Operation
E. None of the above
Explanation: (A) Ways and Means Advances.
Q5. An RBI monetary policy instrument which involves buying and selling of government securities to the public or other financial institutions is known as?
A. Interest Rate Operation
B. Open Market Operation
C. Green Shoe Option
D. Fiscal Rate Operation.
E. None of the above.
Explanation: (B) Open Market Operation
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Hello Readers,
SEBI Grade A 2020 – exam is going to be conducted very soon. To prepare better and to the point, aspirants need to study relevant and valuable material. The below post gives the detailed questions answers for SEBI Grade A Securities Market and General Awareness. For all MCQs Archive CLICK HERE
Hello There,
SEBI Grade A 2020 – Phase-I is going to be conducted very soon and consists of 5 sections, namely – General Awareness, English Language, Quantitative Aptitude, Test of Reasoning and Awareness about Securities Market. The 5 sections are not separately timed and the questions can be attempted in any order but within the given time limit. The below post gives the detailed questions answers for SEBI Grade A Securities Market Awareness. Read with full ATTENTION and SHARE IT. For all Current Affairs Archive CLICK HERE
Q1. Who is the regulator of Capital Market in India?
A. Reserve Bank of India
B. Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority
C. Securities and Exchange Board of India
D. National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development
Explanation: (C) Securities and Exchange Board of India regulates -- Capital Market, Mutual Funds, Commodity Market and Credit Rating Agencies.
Q2. Under which Act the term "securities" has been defined in Section 2(h)?
A. Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1949
B. Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956
C. Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act, 2013
D. Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1935
Explanation: (B) Under Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956, the term "securities" has been mentioned.
The term “securities” has been defined in Section 2(h) of the Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956. The Act defines securities to include:
Q3. A bond which does not pay any coupon payment during the term of the bond?
A. Floating rate bond
B. Callable bond
C. Zero coupon bond
D. Puttable bond
Explanation: (C) Zero Coupon Bond- A zero coupon bond does not pay any coupons during the term of the bond.
For example: A bond with a face value of Rs. 100 may be issued at Rs. 85 for five years. After five
years, the bondholder will get Rs. 100, implying an interest income of Rs. 15.
Q4. What does "S" stands for in ISDA?
A. Shares
B. Swaps
C. Systematic
D. Syndicated
Explanation: (B) ISDA stands for International Swaps and Derivatives Association.
Q5. ISIN (International Securities Identification Number) is a unique alpha-numeric identification number allotted to each security. It is of how many digits?
A. Six
B. Twelve
C. Eight
D. Ten
Explanation: (B) The International Securities Identification Number (ISIN) is a code that uniquely identifies a specific securities issue.
Hello Aspirants,
SEBI Grade A 2020 – exam is going to be conducted very soon. To prepare better and to the point, aspirants need to study relevant and valuable material. The below post gives the detailed questions answers for SEBI Grade A Securities Market and General Awareness. Read with full ATTENTION and SHARE IT.
Q1. What does A stands for in NAV in Mutual Fund Industry?
A. Association
B. Asset
C. Accounting
D. Administrator
E. Amortization
Explanation: (B) NAV stands for Net Asset Value.
Assets: Rs. 60,000 6000 units * 10 (Total no. of units * Face value) + Rs.2000 (dividend income) + Rs. 10,000 (increase in the value of Mutual Fund units) = Rs. 72,000
Q2. The maximum load that a fund can charge is determined by?
B. Sales Agent
C. Distributors
Explanation: (A) Mutual Funds are regulated by SEBI.
It is calculated as a percentage of the NAV and reduced from the NAV to arrive at the price that the investor will get on exiting from the investment.
Q3. What does S Stand for in BCSBI?
A. Syndicated.
B. Swaps
C. Security
D. Sectors
E. Standards
Explanation: (E) BCSBI stands for The Banking Codes and Standards Board of India.
Q4. National Institute of Bank Management is situated in?
A. Lucknow
B. Mumbai
C. Pune
D. Chennai
E. Hyderabad
Explanation: (C) NIBM was established in 1969 by the Reserve Bank of India.
Q5. What does M Stand for in FEMA?
A. Monetary
B. Market
C. Maturity
D. Multilateral
E. Management
Explanation: (E) FEMA stands for Foreign Exchange Management Act.
Hello There, Are you appearing for RBI Grade B2021 exam? If yes then you need to prepare memorize Constituency of Cab...