One Word Substitutions For SSC CGL, CPO, CHSL, MTS, UPSC EPFO, SBI PO and Other Exams

 One Word Substitution

Are you appearing for SSC CGL 2020 exam? If yes then you need to prepare One Word Substitution to score good marks in English section. We have provided you previous year OWS asked in SSC CGL, CHSL, CPO, MTS, etc. SSC asked questions from this topic every year.

One Word Substitution for SSC CGL is a high weightage and scoring section in the Tier 2 exam as well. As per the recent notice from the Staff Selection Commission, SSC CGL Exam for Tier 2 is rescheduled for November 2020.

One Word Substitution is considered to be one of the most important topics for SSC CGL Exam as questions from this topic comes every year in the English Language and Comprehension Section. 
English Language section is an important and high scoring section of all the Bank, Insurance, SSC, Railway, and other Government Exams like SBI PO, SSC-CGL, SSC CPO, SSC CHSL, RRB JE, RRB ALP, UPSC EPFO, etc.

 In this section, questions on One Word Substitutions are asked regularly. Hence it becomes very important for all the candidates to be aware of all the important One Word Substitutions.

In all the Bank and Government exams, every mark counts, and even 1 mark can be the difference between success and failure. Therefore, to help you get these important marks we have provided you OWS for upcoming examination. 

One Word Substitution

1. Atheist- A person who does not believe in the existence of God.

2. Autocracy- Government By one Man who has unlimited power.

3. Autocrat- A person who rules without consulting the opinion of others.

4. Arsenal- A place where weapons and ammunitions stored.

5. Allegory - A story in which ideas are symbolized as people.

6. Aristocracy- A Government run by the nobility or the rich and the elite people.

7. Autobiography- A Life story of a person written by self.

8. Aviary- Large cage or building for keeping birds.

9. Analgesia- Loss of ability to feel pain while still conscious.

10. Altruist- A person who thinks unselfishly for others.

11. Anarchy- The absence of Government in a country.

12. Arbitrator- A person was chosen or appointed by parties in controversy to decide their difference.

13. Ambivert- One who turns thoughts both inwards and outwards.

14. Biography- The life history of a person written by another.

15. Bankrupt- One who cannot pay off his debts.

16. Bigot- A person attached to any opinion, system or party.

17. Botanist- One who is well versed in the knowledge of the plant.

18. Bureaucracy- A Government in which all power is controlled by the officials.

19. Braggart- Boasting fellow.

20. Biennial- Occurring every two years.

21. Biped- An animal with two feet.

22. Bigamy- The state of having two wives (or husbands) at a time.

23. Bibliophile- A person who loves or collects books.

24. Biopsy- The examination of fluids of tissue taken from a living body to diagnose a disease.

25. Barbarism- State of being uncivilized, ignorant or rude.

26. Cardinal- Of prime importance.

27. Crèche- A nursery where children are cared for while their parents are at work.

28. Cosmopolitan- A person who regards whole world as his country.

29. Chauffeur- Money given for requisitioned property.

30. Curator- A person incharge of a museum.

31. Carnivorous- One who lives on flesh.

32. Cannibal- One who feeds on human flesh.

33. Contemporary- Belonging to or living at the same time.

34. Cloak Room- A place for luggage at railway station.

35. Connoisseur- A critical judge of any art and craft.

36. Crusade- A religious war.

37. Cacographist- A person who is bad in spellings.

38. Convalescent- One who is recovering health.

39. Cynic- One who sneers at the aims and beliefs of his fellow men.

40. Cavalry- Soldiers who fight on horse back.

41. Cartographer- One who draws maps.

42. Chemotherapy- Controls of infections by chemicals.

43. Credulous- Too ready to believe.

44. Colleagues- Those who work in the same department.

45. Cytology- Dealing with cells.

46. Credulity- Trust without proper evidence readiness to believe.

47. Declamation- Act or art of rhetorical exercise.

48. Delible- That which can be effaced or blotted out.

49. Debtor- Person who owes money to somebody.

50. Decry- :Speak critically of somebody or something to make him seems less valuable.

51. Domicile- A place where a person lives permanently.

52. Decorum- Dignified and socially acceptable behaviour.

53. Dilemma- Situation in which one has to choose between two things or courses of action.

54. Deteriorate- Become worse.

55. Drunkard- One who is in the habit of drinking.

56. Destitution- Lack of the necessaries of life.

57. Delirium- Mental illness caused by illness.

58. Deism- Belief in the existence of god that is based more on faith than on religious teaching.

59. Eccentric- A person with unusual or abnormal behaviour.

60. Epilepsy- A disease that causes a person to fall unconscious.

61. Equivocal-  One who uses ambiguous words to conceal the truth.

62. Epithet- A phrase that refers to the character or quality of somebody or something.

63. Epigram- A pithy saying or remark expressing an idea in a clever and amusing way.

64. Effeminate- Having characteristics regarded as typical of a woman.

65. Extempore- Spoken or done without preparation.

66. Ephemeral- :Lasting for a very short time.

67. Escapist- The definition of an escapist is someone who escapes from reality and retreats into

68. Epilogue- A section or speech at the end of a book or play that serves as a comment on or a conclusion to what has happened.

69. Endemic- A disease regularly found among particular people or in a certain area.

70. Epitaph- A phrase or form of words written in memory of a person who has died, especially as an inscription on a tombstone.

71. Fastidious- Hard to please.

72. Fatalist- One who believes in fate.

73. Fatal- That leads to death.

74. Fratricide- The murder of one’s own brother.

75. Fanatic- One who is affected by excessive enthusiasm especially in religious matter.

76. Feminist- A supporter of the cause of women.

77. Fugitive- A person who has escaped from captivity or is in hiding.

78. Fiasco- :A complete failure, especially a ludicrous or humiliating one.

79. Frenzy- A state or period of uncontrolled excitement or wild behaviour.

80. Frostbite- Injury to body tissues caused by exposure to extreme cold.

81. Fumigate- Purify (an area) with the fumes of certain chemicals.

82. Fauna- :The animals of a particular region, habitat, or geological period.

83. Fluke- A surprising piece of luck.

84. Gerontology- The scientific study of old age.

85. Gratis- Without charge.

86. Garrulous- One who talks too much.

87. Gullible- Easily persuaded to believe something.

88. Grandiloquence- Using a pompous style of speech.

89. Genocide- The deliberate killing of a large group of people.

90. Gynecologist- One who is well versed in the science of female ailments.

91. Graminivorous- Feeding on grass.

92. Glutton- An excessively greedy eater.

93. Gamut- The complete range or scope of something.

94. Gentry- People of good social position.

95. Glitch- Suffer a sudden malfunction or fault.

96. Greenhorn- A person who is new to or inexperienced at a particular activity.

97. Hypochondria- Abnormal or unnecessary anxiety about one’s health.

98. Hypocrite- One who pretends to be what he is not.

99. Homicide- The killing of human beings.

100. Honorary- Work for which no salary is paid.

101. Hierarchy- A system in which members of an organization or society are ranked according to 
relative status or authority.

102. Horticulture- The art of garden cultivation.

103. Homonym- :Each of two or more words having the same spelling or pronunciation but different meanings and origins.

104. Hooligan- A violent young troublemaker.

105. Henchman- A faithful follower or political supporter.

106. Hedonism- The belief that the most important thing in the world is the pleasure.

107. Hyperbole- Exaggerated statements or claims.

108. Immigrant- One who comes as a shelter into a foreign country.

109. Illicit- Prohibited by law.

110. Infallible- Who never makes a mistake.

111. Invincible- Which cannot be defeated.

112. Impudent- One who does not show respect to other.

113. Impeccable- Not capable of doing wrong.

114. Immortal- That which cannot be subjected to death.

115. Innumerable- That which cannot be counted.

116. Insatiable- Impossible to satisfy.

117. Inducement- A thing that persuades or leads someone to do something.

118. Imminent- Which is going to happen.

119. Infantry- Soldiers marching or fighting on foot.

120. Imposter- A person who pretends to be someone else in order to deceive others.

121. Idolator- One who worships idols.

122. Juggler- One who exhibits trick that requires the skill of hand or eyes.

123. Juxtapose- Placing a thing beside another.

124. Juvenile- A young person.

125. Jury- A body of people sworn to give a verdict in a legal case on the basis of evidence submitted to them in court.

126. Jubilee- A year of emancipation and restoration, kept every fifty years.127. Jitter- Feelings of extreme nervousness.

128. Jilt- A person, especially a woman, who capriciously rejects a lover.129. Jest- A thing said or done for amusement.

130. Jaunt- A short excursion or journey made for pleasure.

131. Jargon- Special words or expressions used by a profession or group that are difficult for others to 

132. Jackpot- A large cash prize in a game or lottery.

133. Jab- Poke roughly or quickly, especially with something sharp or pointed.

134. Kennel- Shelter for pet dog.

135. Knave- A dishonest or unscrupulous man.

136. Kleptomania- An abnormal desire to steal.

137. Kindergarten- A school for small children.
138. Kingpin- :Persons who control an organization or activity.

139. Knack- An acquired or natural skill at doing something.

140. Killjoy- One who spoil the joy of others.

141. Ken- Not within the range of what someone knows or understand.

142. Linguist- A person skilled in many languages.

143. Lexicographer- One who compiles a dictionary.

144. Loquacious- One who talks too much.

145. Laconic- Using few words in writing or speech.

146. Latent- Existing but not visible clearly.

147. Laurel- Honour given to someone for some work.

148. Lullaby- A quiet, gentle song sung to send a child to sleep.

149. Lynch- Kill someone for alleged crime without any trial.

150. Lavatory- A place for disposing of was-l from human body (Toilet).

151. Martyr- One who undergoes the penalty of death for the shake of great cause.

152. Misogynist- A person who dislikes, despises, or is strongly prejudiced against women.

153. Manuscript- A book, document, or piece of music written by hand rather than typed or printed.

154. Mercenary- Primarily concerned with making money at the expense of ethics.

155. Misanthropist- A person who dislikes humankind and avoids human society.

156. Matrimony- The state of being married.

157. Magistrate- The person who punishes those who breaks the laws.

158. Miners- A person who works in a mine.

159. Mob- Crowd of unruly people.

160. Numismatics- One who study the coins.

161. Nocturnal- Done or happening in the night.

162. Nepotism- Favouring ones own's relatives.

163. Narcissism- Abnormal and Excessive admiration of oneself.

164. Nausea- A feeling of sickness with an inclination to vomit.

165. Neogamist- Newly married.

166. Naïve- Having or showing a lack of experience.

167. Notary- A person authorized to perform certain legal formalities.

168. Nursery- A place where young plants and trees are grown for sale or for planting
169. Nautical- Of ships, sailors or navigation.

170. Notorious- Famous or well known, typically for some bad quality or deed
171. Obstetrician- One expert in the delivery of women.
172. Oculist- One skilled in the disease of eyes.
173. Oligarchy- A rule or government by a small group of people
174. Obsolete- Out of use.
175. Omniscient- One who knows everything.
176. Orphanage- An institution for the shelter of orphans.
177. Orphan- A child whose parents died.

178. Orthodox- A person holding conversational belief especially in matter of religion.

179. Omnipotent- One who has great power and most powerful.

180. Opaque- Not able to be seen through; not transparent.

181. Optimist- An optimist is someone who always sees the bright side of any situation.

182. Oath- Solemn undertaking with God’s help to do something.

183. Outriders- - Policemen riding on motorcycles as guards.

184. Prologue- - Introductory part of a poem or play.

185. Pedantic- A style in which a writer seeks to display his knowledge.

186. Panacea- A cure to all.

187. Prodigy- A child with unusual or remarkable talent.

188. Polyandry- The practice of having more than one husband at the same time.

189. Posthumous- A child born after the death of his father.

190. Plagiarism- Stealing of the literary works of other writers.

191. Plutocracy- A government or rule of the rich people.

192. Pedestrian- One who walks on foot.

193. Piscivorous- Animal which feeds on fish.

194. Patricide- Murder of one’s father.

195. Pessimist- One who takes on a dark view of everything.

196. Pseudonym- An imaginary name assumed by an author for disguise.

197. Perjury- The act of making a false oath in a judicial proceeding.

198. Quarantine- Isolation of people or animal that may carry an infectious disease.

199. Quadruped- An animal with four feet.

200. Quintuplet- Each of five children born at one birth.

201. Quack- - A doctor who dishonestly pretends to have medical skills or knowledge.

202. Quixotic- Extremely idealistic; unrealistic and impractical.

203. Questionnaire- A set of printed or written questions with a choice of answers.

204. Quadrennial- Recurring every four years.

205. Qualm- - An uneasy sick feeling.

206. Quash- To put down or suppress completely.

207. Refugee- A person who has been forced to leave their country in order to escape war.

208. Regicide- Murderer of the King.

209. Rapport- A close and harmonious relationship.

210. Rampant- Getting worse quickly and in an uncontrolled way.

211. Ransom- A sum of money demanded or paid for the release of a captive.

212. Recluse- A person who lives alone and avoids social activities.

213. Recapitulate- To say something again or to repeat words.

214. Referendum- A general vote by the electorate on a single political question.

215. Rejuvenate- Restore to the former state or make fresh again.

216. Repartee- A quick witty reply.

217. Retrospective- Looking back on or dealing with past events or situations.

218. Stoic- One who is indifferent to pleasure and pain.

219. Shrew- An ill-tempered woman.

220. Sycophant- A person who tries to win favour by flattering other.

221. Spinster- An elderly unmarried woman.

222. Soliloquy- Speaking aloud alone.

223. Somnambulist- One who walk in sleep.

224. Spendthrift- One who spends money recklessly.

225. Scavengers- The person who keeps street clean.

226. Sanatorium- An institution for the medical care and recuperation of persons who are chronically ill.

227. Sororicide- Killing of one’s own sister.

228. Sinecure- A post with high salary but no work.

229. Truant- Who stays away from school without leave or explanation.

230. Theology- The study of the nature of God and religious belief.

231. Teetotaller- A person who never drinks alcohol.

232. Taciturn- One who is not talkative.

233. Theist- One who believes in the existence of God.

234. Tomboy- A girl who enjoys rough, noisy activities traditionally associated with boys.

235. Transgressor- One who violates the rule.

236. Triennial- Recurring every three years.

237. Turnkeys-  A person who has charge of the keys of a prison.

238. Trousseau- An outfit of bride.

239. Tantrum- An uncontrolled outburst of anger and frustration.

240. Taxidermy-  The art of preparing, stuffing and mounting the skins of animals with lifelike effect.
241. Tyrant- A cruel and oppressive ruler.

242. Usurer- One who lends money at a very high rate.

243. Usurper- One who seizes something without any legal right.

244. Uxorious- One who is extremely fond of one’s wife.

245. Unanimous- Agreed to by everyone.

246. Uxoricide- The killing of one's wife.

247. Unintelligible- Impossible to understand.

248. Ubiquitous- Present, appearing, or found everywhere.

249. Unilateral- Involving only one group or country.

250. Utopia- Imaginary places in which the government, laws and social conditions are perfect.
251. Utilitarian- Designed to be useful or practical rather than attractive.

252. Vagabond- A person who lives a wandering life.

253. Vandal- One who damages public property.

254. Versatile- Able to adopt oneself readily to many situations.

255. Veteran- One who is experienced in something.

256. Velodrome- A track designed for cycling.

257. Vulnerable- To be affected easily by something.

258. Valetudinarian- One who always thinks himself to be ill.

259. Wag- The jocular person who is full of amusing anecdotes.

260. Waif- A thin and homeless child.

261. Walkabout- A walk of king etc. among common people to meet them.

262. Walkway- A passage raised above ground for people to walk.

263. Windfall- An unexpected piece of good fortune.

264. Xenophobia- Intense dislike or fear of foreigners or strangers.

265. Zoophobia- fear from animal.

266. Zoophile- A person who loves animals.

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