Hello Readers,
Here we have provided you few Banking and Finance related abbreviations for exams like SEBI Grade A and RBI Grade B. MOST IMPORTANT SEBI & RBI MCQs CLICK HERE
1. ESOP- Employee Stock Ownership Plan.
2. ICDR- Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirements.
3. FEMA- The Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999.
4. IPO- Initial Public Offering.
5. FPO- Further Public Offering.
6. QIP- Qualified Institutions Placement.
7. IPP- Institutional Placement Programme.
8. BRLM- Book Running Lead Manager.
9. RII- Retail Individual Investor (RIIs).
10. NII- Non-Institutional Investors (NIIs).
11. QIB- Qualified Institutional Buyers (QIBs).
12. ASBA- Applications Supported by Blocked Amount.
13. RTGS- Real Time Gross Settlement.
14. NEFT- National Electronic Funds Transfer.
15. ECS- Electronic Clearing Service.
16. DIP- Disclosures and Investor Protection.
17. IMPS- Immediate Payment Service.
18. VPA- Virtual Payment Address (UPI ID).
19. SCSB- Self-Certified Syndicate Bank.
20. UMN- Unique Mandate Number. (UPI)
21. DRR- Debenture Redemption Reserve.
22. AMC- Asset Management Company.
23. TER- Total Expense Ratio.
24. NAV- Net Asset Value.
25. OTC- Over-the-Counter.
26. FIMMDA- The Fixed Income Money Market and Derivatives Association of India.
27. MAPIN- Market Participant Identification Number.
28. UIN- Unique Identification Number.
29. STT- Securities Transaction Tax.
30. MTM- Mark to Market.
31. IPF- Investor Protection Fund.
32. BOLT- BSE Online Trading.
33. DMA- Direct Market Access.
34. SPA- Share Purchase Agreement.
35. VWAP- Volume Weighted Average Price.
36. REIT- Real Estate Investment Trusts.
37. AIF- Alternative Investment Funds.
38. InvIT- Infrastructure Investment Trusts.
39. FPI- Foreign Portfolio Investment.
40. LODR- (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements.
41. CRA- Credit Rating Agency.
42. ISIN- International Securities Identification Number.
43. RTA- Registrar and Transfer Agent.
44. BO- Beneficial Owner.
45. QFI- Qualified Foreign Investors.
46. SCORES- SEBI Complaint Redress System.
47. SCRA- Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act.
48. IEPF- Investor Education and Protection Fund.
49. FRN- Floating Rate Note.
50. REER- Real Effective Exchange Rate.
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