Showing posts with label RRB NTPC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label RRB NTPC. Show all posts

Latest Current Affairs 2020 : 11th September, 2020

 Hello Readers,

  Current Affairs plays a very important role in cracking any examination. As we all are aware of the fact that current affairs questions have been asked in exams like CGL, RRB NTPC, IBPS, RBI, and UPSC, etc. So we need to prepare it well. Here is the Current Affairs update of  11th September to help you prepare for the examination. 

  1. Hubballi railway station to be renamed as Shree Siddharoodha Swamiji.
  2. DRDO has developed P-7 Heavy Drop System.
  3. Department of Posts GoI launched "Five Star Villages" to ensure 100% rural coverage of postal schemes.
  4. Golden Temple gets FCRA (Foreign Contribution Regulation Act).
  5. NSDC, LinkedIn partner to provide Digital Skills Training for youth.
  6. Minister of State for Housing and Urban Affairs, Shri Hardeep Singh Puri launched CSCAF 2.0 (Climate Smart Cities Assessment Framework.
  7. "iStartup 2.0" has been launched by ICICI Bank to cater to banking needs of startups and entrepreneurs.
  8. Union Ministry of Shipping launched a dispute redressal mechanism SAROD. SAROD - Society for Affordable Redressal of Disputes.
  9. United States canceled 1000 Chinese Student's Visa.
  10. India's first integrated air ambulance service launched by Karnataka.
  11. Poonam Khatri crowned Wushu World Champion.
  12. India-China agreed on five-point plan to resolve border tension and quick disengagement of troops.
  13. US President Donald Trump rules out extension of TikTok deadline.
  14. Minister of Sate for External Affairs V Muraleedharan attended 10th East Asia Summit Foreign Minister meet virtually.
  15. First time in the history Taliban and the Afghan government to hold a meeting.
  16. Mastercard has launched "Central Bank Digital Currency" testing platform.
  17. CARE Ratings projects Indian Economy GDP to contract by 8-8.2 % in FY21.

Revising the Current Affairs daily is imperative to ensure that you remember whatever you have learned.

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You can also check the Current Affairs for the previous days from the link below:

Current Affairs 10th September 2020

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Exam Together.

General Science: pH Concept, pH Value of Different Substances

pH Concept


You have often heard that certain substances are acidic or basic in nature. What cause them to be acidic or baisc. How does one find out which substance is acidic, basic or neutral. All these things are determined with the help of a scale known as pH. Let's understand the pH concept.

pH stands for 'potential of Hydrogen' which measures the acidity or alkalinity of water-soluble subtances.

In 1909 S.P.L Sorenson, a Danish biochemeist devised a scale known as pH to represents the H^+ ion concentration of an aqueous solution. The pH value of any solution is a number that simply represents the acidity and basicity of the solution.


  • Substances  which have a pH value of 7 are neither basic nor acidic which means they're neutral in nature.

  • Substances that have a pH value of less than 7 are acidic in nature.

  • Substances that have a pH value of more than 7 are basic in nature.

List of pH Values of Some Ordinarily Substances

  1. Pure Water - pH 7
  2. Human Blood - pH  7.4
  3. Milk - pH 6.5
  4. Coffee - pH 5
  5. Soft Drink - pH 6
  6. Tomato Juice - pH 4.1
  7. Lemon Juice - pH  2.3 - 2.4
  8. Vinegar - pH 4
  9. Human Urine - pH 5.5 - 7.5  (Average - 6)
  10. Baking Soda Solution - pH 8.5
  11. Washing Soda Solution - pH 9
  12. Milk of Magnesia - pH 10.5
  13. Acid Rain - pH 4
  14. Battery Acid - pH 0
  15. Stomach HCL - pH 1 - 1.5

Stay tuned with Exam Together. 


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Exam Together

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Scientific Name Of Vitamins - Food Sources, Classifications

 Scientific Names Of Vitamins

Image Source: Pixabay

A vitamin is an organic molecule that is an essential micro nutrient which an organism needs to survive. Different living organism have both, common names and scientific names. Likewise, all the vitamins have their respective scientific names. 

What are vitamins?

A vitamin is an organic compound which help an organism to perform biological functions. It is very vital that vitamins should be added to our daily diet in the recommended quantity.

Origin of the Word Vitamin

Vitamin word come from Latin vita ‘life’ + amine.

We have discussed Common Name, Scientific Name, Food Sources and Solubility.

1. Vitamin A


    Green leafy vegetables, milk, broccoli,oranges, nuts, guava, melon fruits, etc.

    (Fat Soluble)

2. Vitamin B1


   Sweet potatoes, corn, dates, peas, milk, wheat, fruits, potatoes, etc.

   (Water Soluble)

3. Vitamin B2


   Milk, popcorn, pumpkin, dates, curd, grapes, mangoes, peas, etc.

   (Water Soluble)

4. Vitamin B3


    Meat, egg, milk, fish, cereals, etc.

   (Water Soluble)

5. Vitamin B5

    Pantothenic Acid

    Avacado, legumes, milk, fish, peanuts, mushrooms, egg yolk, etc.

    (Water Soluble)

6. Vitamin B6


    Vegetables, soya beans, wheat, cereals, chicken, etc.

     (Water Soluble)

7. Vitamin B7


    Nuts, peanuts, milk, fish, bananas, cauliflower, etc.

    (Water Soluble)

8. Vitamin B9

    Folic Acid

    Citrus fruits, leafy vegetables, whole grains,

    legumes, beets, etc.

    (Water Soluble)

9.  Vitamin B12


     Meat, poultry,chicken, eggs, milk, etc.

     (Water Soluble)

10. Vitamin C 

      Ascorbic acid

     Citrus fruits, orange, grapefruit, sweet lime,

     broccoli, goat milk, chestnuts, etc.

     (Water Soluble)

11. Vitamin D


      Fish, beef, cod liver oil, egg yolk, 

      chicken breast, cereals,etc.

      (Fat Soluble)

12. Vitamin E


      Potatoes, pumpkin, guava, mango,

      milk, nuts, seeds. etc.

      (Fat Soluble)

13. Vitamin K


     Tomatoes, broccoli, mangoes, grapes, chestnuts,

     cashew nuts, etc.

     (Fat Soluble)

Summary for quick revision:

Fat Soluble Vitamins:

  •  Vitamin A - Retinol
  •  Vitamin D - Calciferol
  •  Vitamin E - Tocopherol
  •  Vitamin K - Phytonadione

Water Soluble Vitamins:

  • Vitamin B1 - Thiamine
  • Vitamin B2 - Riboflavin
  • Vitamin B3 - Niacin
  • Vitamin B5 - Pantothenic Acid
  • Vitamin B6 - Pyridoxine
  • Vitamin B7 - Biotin
  • Vitamin B9 - Folic Acid
  • Vitamin B12 - Cobalamin
  • Vitamin C - Ascorbic Acid

Keep learning and revising things daily. 

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Exam Together

Vocabulary Wordlist For SSC CGL, CHSL, CPO, MTS, and Banking Exams

 Hello Readers,

            Vocabulary plays a very important role in cracking the English section of any examination. Be it writing or communication words create a magical impression on our thought process hence, helps you in making good decisions. So it becomes imperative that we should inculcate the habit of learning vocabulary regularly. This series will be covering vocabulary asked in many examinations such as SSC, RRB, Banking, RBI, and UPSC, etc. So come together with Exam Together and learn words.

The reading habit lets you encounter new words every day, the meaning of which you are unaware of.

So, in the process of learning and scoring good in English, we bring you our series, 'Vocabulary Wordlist'. 

Here you go:

  1. Solicit (V) - मांगना, सविनय प्रार्थना करना, Ask for or try to obtain something from someone.
  2. Accede (V) - मान लेना, सहमत होना Agree to a demand request, or treaty.
  3. Mar (V) - दूषित करना, बिगाड़ना, क्षति, Impair the quality or appearance of spoil.
  4. Tenet (N) - सिद्धांत, जड़सूत्र, कार्मिक सिद्धांत, A  principle or belief, especially one of the main principles of a religion or philosophy.
  5. Dove Tail (V) -  सामंजस्य स्थापित करना, गठजोड़, मेल खाना, Join together by means of a dovetail, Fit or cause to fit together easily and conveniently.
  6. Fiefdom (N) - जागीर, A territory or sphere of operation controlled by a particular person or group.
  7. Usurp (V) - हड़पना, अ‍नधिकार ग्रहण करना, Take a position of power or importance illegally or by force.
  8. Gobble (V) - हडप जाना, डकोसना, शब्द करते हुए जल्दी जल्दी खाना, Eat something hurriedly and noisily, Use a large amount of something very quickly.
  9. Derision (N) - उपहास, हास्यास्पद, Contemptuous ridicule or mockery.
  10. Folly (N) - मूर्खता, मूर्खतापूर्ण कार्य, मूढ़ता, Lack of good sense, Foolishness

You can also check the wordlist articles for the previous days from the link below:

That was your wordlist dose for the day.

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Exam Together.

Vocabulary Wordlist For SSC CGL, CHSL, CPO, MTS, and Banking Exams

 Hello Readers,

            Vocabulary plays a very important role in cracking the English section of any examination. Be it writing or communication words create a magical impression on our thought process hence, helps you in making good decisions. So it becomes imperative that we should inculcate the habit of learning vocabulary regularly. This series will be covering vocabulary asked in many examinations such as SSC, RRB, Banking, RBI, and UPSC, etc. So come together with Exam Together and learn words.

The reading habit lets you encounter new words every day, the meaning of which you are unaware of.

So, in the process of learning and scoring good in English, we bring you our series, 'Vocabulary Wordlist'. 

Here you go:

  1. Ward off (PV) - पीछे हटाना, बचना, Avert, Prevent, Avoid, Repel.
  2. Swathe (N) - लपेटना, पट्टी बांधना, पट्टा, A broad strip or area of something; bandage, strip.
  3. Entangle (V) - उलझाना, कठिनाइयों में डालना, Cause to become twisted together with or caught in.
  4. Refute (V) - खंडन करना, तर्क से असत्य ठहराना, Prove (a statement or theory) to be wrong or false, Disprove.
  5. Truce (N) - युद्धविराम संधि, An agreement between enemies or opponents to stop fighting or arguing for a certain time.
  6. Outlier (N) - ग़ैर, पराया आदमी, A person or thing situated away or detached from the main body or system.
  7. Flounder (V) - अशुद्धि करना, कीचड़ में तड़फड़ाना Struggle or stagger clumsily in mud or water. Struggle mentally; show or feel great confusion.
  8. Circumspect (Adj) - चौकस, होशियार, सावधान, Wary and unwilling to take risks.
  9. Haggle (V) - झंझट करना, मोलभाव करना, बखेड़ा करना, Dispute or bargain persistently, especially over the cost of something.
  10. Abysmal (Adj) - अति-गहन, अथाह, भय उत्पन्न करनेवाला, Extremely bad; appalling.

You can also check the wordlist articles for the previous days from the link below:

Click Here

That was your wordlist dose for the day.

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Exam Together.

Grammar Tips For SSC CGL

 Hello Readers,

            There is no magic band for cracking the English section especially questions related to Grammar but with the right approach and guidance, you can crack this section with ease.

Grammar Tips For SSC CGL:

  1.  'Both' is always followed by 'and'.
  2. The conjunctions "until" and "unless" are negative in meanings; thus, should not be followed by " not".
  3. 'Not only' is always followed by 'but also'.
  4. 'No sooner' is followed by 'than'.
  5. Hardly/barely/scarcely is always followed by 'when'.
  6. Either-or, neither-nor, are correct forms of correlative conjunctions, used for showing the relationship between two things or two terms that are difficult from each other.
  7. 'One of the' always takes a plural subject along + singular verb.

      For example- One of my colleagues is from New Delhi.

Read Also:  Top 50 Idioms & Phrases Asked in SSC CGL, CPO, CHSL, MTS

I look forward to coming up with many more such posts. 

Thank You!

Constituency of Cabinet Ministers for UPSC, RBI Grade B 2021, SSC CGL, and RRB NTPC

  Hello  There,                     Are you appearing for RBI Grade B2021 exam? If yes then you need to prepare memorize Constituency of Cab...